The Essential Self-Guided Travel Journal for
Paris, France
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all The Golden Rule of Travel: Travel often, journey far, and take nothing but memories, souvenirs, and photos.
Travel should be a delightful adventure, not a dreadful headache. I have traveled to over forty-five countries and I am willing to travel pretty much anywhere at least once. I have heard many horrific travel stories through the years and believe there is no such thing as a bad vacation, just inadequate planning.
Examining what you already know, and researching what you do not, will help you design the perfect travel plan. Having a plan and remembering why you traveled there in the first place will help you get back on track and stay focused when things go off the rails. I am here to help you prepare for your first or second dream trip to the French capital, Paris. This journal is for children or adults, whether you are traveling to Paris now or years from now. Let’s get ready to travel anywhere once, and I will help you plan it step-by-step.
Travel should be an adventure! Let’s map it together.
The Princess of
Sapphires and Sand
Long before the Mediterranean Sea was blue, a valuable promise was broken. This broken promise left a debt unpaid. Now, the debt collector has resurfaced from this dark past and expects payment in full! An unknowing princess is expected to pay what is owed. She is thrown into a global race through time, unraveling riddles and using her wit to gather scattered treasures. She must repay this family debt . . . or her entire world could be destroyed.
T Sees an Island
Childhood is the period when imagination runs wild and children are willing and eager to learn. This is no exception for little T and her friend Lee. On their inaugural adventure, T and her friend Lee explore the U.S. Virgin Islands. They firsthand, experience the colorful culture and even have time for a very special excursion. This amazing adventure is made possible by a magical discovery that little T makes while exploring her sister's closet. The discovery will change and enrich T's life forever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
T Ve Una Isla
La infancia es una época en la que la imaginación se desborda y los niños están dispuestos y deseosos de aprender. Esto no es una excepción para la pequeña T y su amiga Lee.
Mientras explora el armario de su hermana, T hace un descubrimiento mágico que cambiará y enriquecerá su vida para siempre. En su primera historia, el descubrimiento de T desencadena una increíble aventura a las Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos. T y Lee conocen directamente la colorida cultura e incluso tienen tiempo para una excursión muy especial.
Esta inolvidable aventura es sólo el principio: ¿qué verá T después?
T Voit Une île
L'enfance est une période où l'imagination se déchaîne et où les enfants sont désireux et avides d'apprendre. Ce n'est pas une exception pour la petite T et son ami Lee !
En explorant le placard de sa sœur, T fait une découverte magique qui va changer et enrichir sa vie à jamais. Dans leur première histoire, la découverte de T déclenche une incroyable aventure dans les îles Vierges américaines. T et Lee ont une expérience directe de la culture colorée et ont même le temps de faire une excursion très spéciale.
Cette aventure inoubliable n'est qu'un début - qu'est-ce que T va voir ensuite ?