Tani Lamb - World Traveler
As a child, Tani's ardent love for adventure and penchant for history began. Tani attended church every Sunday. Her paternal grandfather was the pastor, and her grandmother taught bible lessons. Frequent interstate church revivals exposed Tani to numerous Midwestern and Southern towns and aroused her curiosity about far away lands. An adventurous young child matured into a 'world traveler' who saw firsthand the countries she had only read about in books. Her vicarious travels soon became real-life expeditions to foreign countries. Tani has visited over 30 states in the United States, six of the seven continents, and 46 countries.
The colorful pictures of other ethnic groups and stories about diverse cultures were once mere pages in a book. Now, Tani's curiosity has been replaced with vivid memories of distant lands, those she has seen with her own eyes. She believes that every person, old and young, should let their imagination design a travel plan to "see the world." Tani firmly believes that traveling enables us to experience firsthand the kindness, hospitality, norms, and values of the cultures of our neighbors all over the world. This belief motivated her to write a series of children's books. All the book titles contain the phrase "T" Sees! Book number one is entitled "T" Sees an Island and opens the lid on Tani's box of enchanted travels.
Tani released her second children's book, The Princess of Sapphires and Sand - Adventures from a Teller of Tales, in March of 2023. A supplemental educational guide for educators accompanies this whirlwind adventure for young readers. The Teacher's Edition with Common Core Standards contains the vocabulary paired with their academic standards.
Tani is also an active Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators member.